First Knight NEWS!!!!
Kona Ice will be available for purchase at BRIJHS from 5:30 -7pm. 20% of all sales will be donated to Boosters to benefit our students and our schools. Please plan on joining us for a special summer treat! #br_u_knighted
Monday, August 12th @ BRHS
6-6:30pm New Student & Freshman Orientation at the high school
6:30 - 7:30pm Open House for ALL students
Monday, August 12th @ BRSE
5:30 - 6pm Kindergarten Orientation for ALL Kindergarten students and parents
6:00 - 7pm Kindergarten - 3rd grade Open House
Tuesday, August 13th @ BRIJHS
5:30 - 7pm Open House
Mr. Huddleston will meet with grade levels during :
5:30 - 6pm 4th grade
6pm - 6:30pm 5th and 6th grades
6:30 - 7 7th & 8th grades