4/9 daily HS student announcements


for Tuesday, April 9th            


The following students have coupons for tuxedo rentals @ Men's Wearhouse - Brenden Flannell, Brady Masengale, Luke Nichols, and Zach Stephens.  Please see them for the coupons!

This is National Library Week!  To celebrate the library will have a featured book every day.  Today's book is Shadow and Bone, fantasy fiction at its best.  You can bring in a nonperishable food item to the library during the week and get $0.50 off your fines for each item!  HS book club will meet in the library during lunch on Thursday.  Come check out what Mr. Anton is reading!  On Friday, we’ll be having Putt-Putt golf in the library with ice cream.  See if you can get a hole in one.

With Prom right around the corner, it is important to make sure that our children stay safe and sober! Piatt County Mental Health Center asks parents to complete a survey about the parent provision of alcohol to High School aged students. All information is kept confidential and for educational use.  

English Survey- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/English_Survey_BRHS

Spanish Survey- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Spanish_Survey

Seniors:  Time is running out to bring your baby pictures for the graduation slideshow.  If you do not have your senior pics by then we would still like your other pics and baby pics.  Last day to accept senior pics is May 1st. If you don’t have digital, bring them in and we can scan them and return them to you.

Students who have read four books on the Read for a Lifetime list need to contact Mrs. Raines or Ms. Brokaw by April 10th.

HS book club will meet in the library during lunch on Thursday.

Spring sports photos will be on Wednesday and Thursday this week!.  All photos will be in the practice field behind the school on: 

Wednesday:  3:30 Varsity Baseball   3:45 Varsity and JV Softball 4:15 Girls & Boys Track          

Thursday:  3:30 JV Baseball

It’s a Flashlight Egg Hunt at Victory Christian church on April 13th with a wiener roast at 6pm and Egg Hunt at 7pm!  Bring your jackets, flashlights and friends for a great time!

 Non-student Prom forms are available in the office if you are bringing a date to Prom and they are not a Blue Ridge student.  The forms are due back in the office on Friday, April 26th.

Seniors:  The senior class trip is being planned for May 21st.  Forms are in the office to complete and return.

The high school spring play is this weekend this Friday and Saturday in the old gym.  The Blue Ridge Thespian group will perform “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. Who plays Charlie in the play?  Get your tickets and find out from any cast member or Ms. Yeagle.  It’s $5 Student night on Friday!

Farmer City Baseball is sponsoring a Monical’s Pizza Community Day.  Monical’s will donate 20% of your bill to Farmer City Baseball on Tuesday, April 23rd.  This would be valid at any

Gibson City, Mahomet or Clinton location!  Come out and join us for a worthwhile cause!  Forms are in the office.

Summer Volleyball camp forms are available from Coach Miles.  Please return by May 11th.

High school summer girls basketball camp will begin June 4th from 2:30pm to 4pm, and June 5th – 7th from 12:00 noon to 2pm.  Deadline is April 26th.  Pick up the forms in the office or for additional information.

Seniors, please be sure to check the bulletin boards for your fees and fines owed to the high school.  Pay them in the office.  You will not be able to graduate if all fees and fines are not paid!  Checks will only be taken until May 1st, after that, it's cash only.

Congrats to the Varsity Lady Knights girls track team for winning their dual track meet over the host GCMS lady falcons last night by a total combined team score of 77-58 pts.  Polly Reynolds won the HJ, LJ and TJ events.  Jenna Mozingo won the 100HH and 300IH events.  Macie Hamm won the 800m.  The 4x100 team of Jenna Mozingo, Polly Reynolds, Carley Ester and Bri Wallace placed first with a PR time of 56.35s.  There were a lot of PR's and it was a great total team effort.  Way to go Lady Knights!

Today the Varsity Baseball team plays the Arthur Christian School and the Varsity Softball teams plays Shiloh both at HOME beginning at 4:30. Both the Boys and Girls Track teams compete at Paxton-Buckley-Loda also beginning at 4:30. Go Knights!

Lunch menu for today is Orange Chicken Bowl or Hot Ham Sandwich

Happy Testing Day!