3/5 daily HS student announcements


for Thursday, March 5th     

There will be mandatory scholastic bowl practice during lunch in the chem lab TODAY.  

FFA Officer applications are due in the Ag Room Friday! Any FFA member interested in running for office, please turn in their application to Ms. Meisner. 

Key Club will have a meeting during lunch Friday in Mrs. Davis’s room.

Seniors: please turn in your Senior quotes by Friday to Ms. Thacker.

Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser is Saturday from 8-10 am at the North Prospect location in Champaign. Please see any Junior or Mrs. Lagle to get your ticket for only $5. Please help support this year’s Prom and Post Prom. 

The Fine Arts Expo will be Tuesday, March 10th with Art Displays in the halls Open to the Public

beginning at 6:00 and the Band Concert in the Old Gym beginning at 7:00.

The next FFA meeting is Thursday, March 12th with committees at 6:30 and the chapter meeting at 7pm. We will be electing our new officer team and you must be present to have a vote. 

Spring sports pictures will be held on March 17th in the following schedule:

3:30 Baseball     4:00 Softball       4:30 Girls Track         5:00 Boys Track

Officer King will help provide a Self-Defense Class from Monday, March 16th through

Thursday, March 19th. It will be for all female Students in PE Classes.

Last night 4 of our FFA members competed in the District 4 Proficiency Awards. Members competing were Henry Mitchell in Forage Production, Abby Bolen in Outdoor Recreation, Morgan Drozs in Fruit Production and Jaton Shaffer in Ag Sales Placement. Abby was runner-up in her area and Jaton and Morgan both won their areas and will be advancing to State later this month. Congratulations to all who competed!

Local Scholarship packets are available for BRHS seniors!  All local scholarships are due by April 1st.  Packets can be picked up in English classrooms, the Counseling office or the main office. 

Seniors:  Yearbook will need 2 baby pics, 2 other pics of you growing up and 2 senior photos by April 1.  If you can't get your senior pics by then, we still need the others.  Last day to accept senior photos will be May 1.  Also please check the Senior fees on the Commons bulletin board!

After school detentions this week are with Mrs. Ringel.  TODAY’S lunch detentions are with Mrs. Whitehouse.

 Lunch menu for today is:  Chicken Nuggets or McRib Sandwich with Whipped Potatoes