


for Thursday, September 16th


There will be a meeting for anyone interested in scholastic bowl TODAY at 12:35 in Mr. Scurlock’s room.

TODAY, FCA will be meeting today in Mr. Minter’s room during lunch. Snack will be provided.  Anyone is welcome to attend!

Book Club will meet in the Library during lunch on Friday!  Please bring your lunch and we’ll talk about reading!


Don't forget to renew your library books.  Late fees will be assessed for books past due from last year. 


The Piatt County Toy and Gift program application form is in the office for the holidays.  This is only for students living in Piatt County.  If you are interested, the form must be postmarked by 10/31.  See the office for more details!


The first FFA Meeting is September 22nd at the High School.  Please come in the Ag door #10 by the Ag Room behind the School. Committees will meet at 6:30 pm with the Chapter meeting starting at 7:15 pm after the Committees meet. Come and learn about FFA and participate in a fun activity.


Upcoming College visit dates from the Guidance office are:

  • Illinois College is coming for a visit on Sep 17th at 8:30am.
  • Greenville University will be here for a college visit on Wednesday Sep, 22nd at 9:00am. 
  • SIUE is coming September 22nd at 2:00pm for a college visit for any Senior. 
  • SIUC will also be coming to visit Sept 24th at 11:30.
  • Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing will be here for a college visit on October 18th at 1:00pm. 

See Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for a pass for Juniors and Seniors to attend any of these college visits.


After school detentions this week is with Mrs. Wieber in the Art room.  Lunch detentions today are with Mr. Decker in his room.


Today’s lunch is a Spaghetti with Garlic Bread or a Bagel with cream cheese.