


for Friday, February 11th



You are invited to attend Ashlyn Voyles official college signing TODAY at 4:30pm in the high school commons.  She will be playing Softball for Eureka College starting in the fall.  Congratulations Ashlyn from Blue Ridge nation!


There will be a Student Council meeting on Tuesday, 2/15 during lunch in the library!  Discussions and planning will continue for more fun events!  Please be there!


Are you interested in Bass Fishing?  There will be a meeting on next Wednesday, Feb. 16th at 12:35 in the new gym during lunch.


Good Luck to the Blue Ridge FFA students who are competing today for State FFA Degree interviews!  They are:  Tray Hardesty, Hank Mitchell, Morgan Drozs, Tatem Madden, Gracie Shaffer, Kaleb Southern and Brenna Friel.   


Parkland College will be here on Wednesday Feb. 16th at 11:30 (5th hour).  Any Junior or Senior, please see Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for passes to those college visits!


Spring sports Parent meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 16th at 6pm in the HS commons.


It’s Yearbook ordering time!  Please order your 2021-2022 yearbook now.  The orders are due February 28th at a cost of $50.  They will arrive in the fall after school starts.  Please give your check to Ms. Thacker.


Congratulations to the Athletes and Activities for the Month for January:


Boys Basketball – Freshman Corbin Colbert. Corbin has shown leadership on the floor, and has really adapted well to the speed of a Varsity game over the past month.


Basketball Cheer - Phoebe Reynolds, Sophomore, 2nd year cheer

Phoebe has shown great advancement in her overall dedication to cheer this season, but it has definitely shown over the last couple of months.  She takes advice well from her teammates and coach and puts those words of advice into action.  She is also a great flyer and there hasn't been a stunt she can't hit.  


Scholastic Bowl - Senior Aiden Soliday.  Aiden is a four year quiz bowler who is soft spoken but dependable on the varsity scholastic bowl excelling in astronomy and the sciences but also knows some trash and pop culture categories.  Aiden is 4th on the  varsity team in scoring and has eclipsed the 100 varsity toss-up mark in his career this past Saturday.


Girls Basketball - Tatem Madden.  She has heart, hustle and desire to win.  She’s a team leader in rebounds and points.  

Congratulations to all of you!


Congratulations to the Varsity and JV scholastic bowl teams for both going 2-0 last night in LPC play.  The Varsity defeated Okaw Valley by the score of 350-200 and Sangamon Valley 290-240 to improve their overall record to 31-12 (10-1 in the LPC).  The JV defeated Okaw Valley 290-40 and a come from behind win over Sangamon Valley 180-160 to improve their overall record to 17-5.  Leading the Varsity in toss-ups was Sami Boogren with 14 followed by Conner Otto, Aiden Soliday and AJ Johnson with 3 each.  Hutch Partlow chipped in with 2.  Alexis Wike led the JV with 15 tossups.  The Varsity is back in action tomorrow at Cumberland for the LPC tournament with the van leaving at 6:40am.  Good Luck Knights!


Events this week are:

TONIGHT - Boys Basketball @ 6:00 vs. Cerro Gordo and Senior night for both Boys Basketball and Cheer!


SATURDAY -  Boys Basketball @ home @ 3:00 pm.  Also the Girls Basketball team begin Regional play at LeRoy vs. LeRoy @ 1pm.  Good luck Knights!


Spring sports photos schedule Mar. 8th:

3:30 Girls track at the practice field if weather permits.  New gym if not

4:00 boys track at the practice field if weather permits.  New gym if not

4:30: Softball at the girl's diamond if weather permits.  New gym if not

5:00 baseball at South Park


Lunch menu for today is: Pepperoni Pizza and side salad or alternative lunch of Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich