3/4 daily HS student announcements


For Monday, March 4th      


The next FFA meeting is TONIGHT with committees at 6pm and chapter at 7pm. We will be electing the new FFA Officer Team during this meeting and you must be present to vote!

All of our Spring Sports practices will begin today.  Bass Fishing practices will begin soon!

Tomorrow Strawberries will be delivered to the Ag Shop! Pick up will be from 3:30 - 5pm. 


It’s Dewey’s Drive-In time again and you can work there!  We have applications in the office!  Please bring them filled out to the office as soon as you can!

Those interested in being a part of the color guard team (people who have flags with the marching band) clinics will be starting soon! There is no obligation to audition by attending a clinic- it is for you to be able to learn. Clinics continue Wednesday, March 6th and March 11th  from 5:30-7pm. Auditions for the team are March 19th from 5:30-7pm. Talk to any current guard member or Ms. Meisner for more information or questions.


The National Honor Society’s induction ceremony will be held Tuesday at 7pm in the old gym.

Jostens will be here to deliver 2019 Senior graduation orders Wednesday, March 6th, BEFORE SCHOOL Please see your invoice for all payment options on delivery date.  Any senior that still needs to turn in their cap and gown order, you may do so at this time.  Any student may place an order for a class ring that day as well. Contact Jostens if you have any questions.


If you have a tattoo that you would like displayed in the yearbook, see Ms. Thacker.


High School weightlifting will start back up this week after school.

The high school Boosters Cash Bash is Saturday, March 9th at the Farmer City Legion.

In other March upcoming dates:

·         The Fine Arts Expo will be held at the high school on Tuesday, March 12th starting at               6pm.

·         End of the 3rd quarter is on March 15th.

·         Report cards go home on March 22nd with early dismissal that day.

·         Spring Break is March 25 – March 29.  We’ll come back to school on Monday, April 1st.


After school detentions this week are with Mr. Sawyer.  Lunch detentions are on Tuesday with Mr. Seneca.


The Scholastic Bowl team is back in action TONIGHT hosting IHSA regionals at 4:30 pm at Blue Ridge.  Go Knights! 


Lunch menu for today is:   Cheeseburger or Pork Fritter


Thank you and have a great day! J