10/23 daily HS student announcements



for Friday, October 23rd

Any Junior who is interested in the CEO program is invited to go check out a class on Monday, October 26th.   Please see Mrs. Whitehouse if you are interested.  

Attention athletes:  please come to the office to pick up athletic packets for the remainder of the year.  The athletic trainer will be available Tuesday’s and Thursday’s for concussion testing for the Freshman and Juniors, or anyone who has not played a sport before.  He will be in the old gym from 2;20 – 2:45 or see him for more directions on how to take the test on your own time. 

It’s the last day of Blue Ridge Fall Fun Days!  TODAY is Blue & Silver Day

We hope you had fun and send in those pictures and be sure to use the Blue Ridge hashtag of #br_u_knighted

Parkland & Tricoci Beauty School will each have a virtual visit on Monday, October 26th.

Please check the counseling google classroom or email Mrs. Coy for more information.

Parent Teacher conferences are next week October 27th and October 29th.  If you don’t have a conference and you want one, please let the high school office know!

Lunch for TODAY is Pepperoni Pizza or alternative lunch of Peanut Butter & Jelly.

Thank you and have a great day!