


for Thursday, November 18th


Attention Seniors:  Please stop in the office and sign-off on your name spelling for your graduation diploma.


The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be meeting TODAY during lunch in Mr. Minteer's room. Bring your lunch and join us as we have conversations about life and watch The Chosen. There will be snacks and all are welcome to join us!


Attention Soccer players:  The following players needs to return uniforms to Mrs. Flannell TODAY:   Brayden Evans  Hank Mitchell  Sydney Rausch.


It's Puffins and Butter Braid time again! This is a Sophomore fundraiser to help raise money for Prom and Post Prom next year.  Money and order forms are due to Mrs. Lagle Monday!


After school detentions are with Mr. Seneca this week from 3:15 – 3:55 in his room.


Hot lunch today is Salisbury Steak with garden salad and alternative lunch of Peanut Butter and Jelly