
Blue Ridge High School

Daily Student Announcements

for Friday, April 5th                

School yearbooks are on sale now for $55 each  at www.jostensyearbooks.com

Prom T-Shirt order forms are available from Ms. Lagle or the office.  Orders with payment are due TODAY.

The school technology department is hiring for one summer position.  The position runs from May 28th to August 13th.  If you are interested, please see Mr. Kramer for more details. 

Last night, Blue Ridge FFA Traveled to Champaign to compete in the Section 16 and Parkland Invitational Horticulture Event. Blue Ridge FFA placed 2nd overall in the Section 16 Division and 8th overall in the invitational. Team Members included Kaydance Wooton, Carmen Ellis, Lexi Winstead, Raeanna Miller, and Mercedes Manuel. For Section 16 all 5 members placed individually in the top 10- Kaydance 1st overall, Carmen 5th overall, Mercedes 7th overall, Raeanna 8th overall, and Lexi 10th overall. In the Invitational event in the top 15 Kaydance placed 13th overall. Congratulations!

Varsity Softball plays away tonight at Cumberland at 4:30.  Please dismiss the team at 1:55 with the bus leaving at 2:10pm.  Good Luck Lady Knights!

Varsity Baseball plays at HOME tonight vs. ALAH at South Park at 4:30 and it’s senior night!  Good Luck Knights!

On Saturday the Varsity Softball team has a double header at Georgetown-Ridgefarm at 10am.  The bus will be leaving at 8am.  Good Luck ladies!

Today’s lunch menu is: Bosco Stick with Baked Potato soup
