


for Wednesday, March 31st         



SENIORS- Local Scholarship Applications are due TODAY, March 31st by 2:20pm.

To turn these in-  Place the application form on the front, any additional essays, or supporting documents behind it. These can then be bound together then placed into a folder.  You will then turn these into the library by TODAY at 2:20pm to Mrs. Raines. Late applications will NOT be accepted. It is your responsibility to ensure that all information is completed, and all necessary documents are turned in. If for any reason you are a distance learner, quarantined, or otherwise unable to turn these documents in face to face, you may email your materials to Mrs. Coy by the deadline. 

Seniors, FASFA is a graduation requirement this year. You will need to return a waiver to show you have completed your FASFA application, or a non-participation form to exempt you. One of these waivers is due back in order to receive your diploma. Please check the counseling google classroom or see Mrs. Raines in the library for a waiver packet.


The next FFA meeting is TONIGHT with committees at 6:30 and chapter at 7. Officer elections will also be that evening. 


Attention cheerleaders:  this is just a reminder that cheer will have practice today from 4-5:30.

The yearbook class will need 2 senior pics, 2 baby pics and 2 other pictures of you growing up by TOMORROW.  You can send these digitally to or bring them to the school to be scanned! 


Volleyball, Football, Football cheer, and Soccer pictures will be next Monday, April 5th after school due to a scheduling change.  The schedule is as follows

2:30: Volleyball; new gym

3:00 Football; at football field

3:30 Football cheer: at football field

4:00 Soccer: at practice field behind the school


Baseball practice will begin Monday, April 5th after school from 3:30-5:00 at the field at South Park.


Speaking of Baseball, Thursday is the opening day of Major League Baseball!  Tomorrow, please show us your favorite baseball teamwear!  Are you a Cubs fan, Cardinals fan or any other team?  Show us your team pride!


After school detentions this week are with Mrs. Ringel until 3pm.


Today’s lunch menu is Chicken Nuggets with Mashed Potatoes or alternative lunch of Chef Salad

Thursday’s lunch menu is: Spaghetti and an alternative lunch of Chef Salad