Daily BRHS student announcements
or Blue Ridge High School
Thursday, December 6th
TODAY is the final day smoothies will be sold at lunch!
There will be a student council meeting during lunch TODAY in Mrs. Wieber's room.
Reminder to all FCA members that Angel Tree needs your help delivering presents to Trinity Church. If you can, please be at Cornerstone Realty, downtown at 5 o'clock tonight. Thank you for your help!
The Key Club Christmas party will be FRIDAY at lunch in Mrs. Jones' room.
It's not too late to register for the June 2020 trip to Germany, France and Spain. Prices are guaranteed through December 20th. See Ms. Loop for details.
Parkland college will be here TODAY to talk to interested students. Juniors can meet during 4th hour and seniors can meet during 5th hour. Students who cannot miss class can meet with Ms. Hartman during lunch. See the office for a pass.
High School Winter sports photos will be next Wednesday Dec. 12th at 3:30 in the old gym. Picture schedule is: Quiz Bowl at 3:15 Boys Basketball: 3:30 Girls Basketball 4:00 Cheer 4:30
The Winter Band and Choral Concert will be on Tuesday, December 18th in the Old Gym.
TONIGHT the Girls Varsity Basketball team plays at Fisher beginning at 6:00pm, the Boys Freshman
Basketball team plays Heyworth at HOME beginning at 6:00pm and the Scholastic Bowl Team has
a Tournament at HOME with the First Toss-Up being read at 4:30. Good Luck Knights!
After school detentions this week are with Mr. Decker. Lunch hour detentions TODAY are with Mr. Anton.
Today’s lunch menu is: Pancake/Sausage Stick or Cheesy Garlic Bread
Please remember to bring your lunch cards for scanning when you come to the lunchroom!
Thank you and have a great day!