Daily BRHS Student Announcements
Thursday, January 3rd
Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year!!
TODAY there will be a MANDATORY meeting for all baseball players at 12:40 in the chem lab.
Monday, January 7th all color guard members need to meet during lunch in the Ag room.
Tuesday, January 8th there will be an FFA Officer meeting during lunch in the ag room.
The HS Book Club will meet in the library Thursday January 10th during lunch.
Cheer uniforms need to be turned in by January 11th and can be turned into Coach Woliung in the Unit office from the following students: Cassidy Burris, Tori Wingett and Alexis Young.
Report cards will be handed out on Friday in Advisory classes.
Our new Biology teacher is Mrs. Benedict. Please welcome her to Blue Ridge High School.
The HS Library will be hosting a Blue Ribbon Book Fair during the week of January 14th - 18th, 2019.
Congratulations to the BRHS Boys Basketball team who’s record is now 10 and 6 from the BSN Tourney over the holidays in Broadlands. Zach Stephens was selected to the all-tourney team! Way to go Knights!
After school detentions TODAY will be with Mrs. Flannell.
Today’s menu selection is: Pancake/Sausage Stick or Cheesy Garlic Bread