11/14 daily HS student announcements


for Thursday, November 14th

The Blood Drive is TOMORROW!.  Anyone signed up to give blood must have their school ID.   If you are giving blood, please remember this.


Drew Hobbs – please see Mrs. Flannell today!

Varsity volleyball uniforms are due from Willa Manuel and Maddy Rosenbery. Please turn them in to Mr. Miles.


Attention Seniors:  please stop in the office to sign off on your graduation diploma name spelling.

BACC is now accepting applications for next year!!  Mrs. Whitehouse has already spoken to sophomores, and will speak with all juniors on Monday, Nov. 18. BACC has an open house in the evening on Thursday, Nov. 14th.  See Mrs. Whitehouse if you have any questions.

Key Club members, please meet TODAY in Mrs. Davis’s room. There are several activities to sign up for.


Sign up for the 'Read for a Lifetime' program in the library this week.  Deadline is TODAY.


Winter sports photos will be after school TODAY.  The schedule is as follows:

3:30 boys’ basketball

4:00 girls’ basketball

Quiz Bowl and Cheer pictures will be at a later date.


Western Illinois University will be here next week on November 19th. Get your passes from Mrs. Coy or Mrs. Whitehouse today!!


The next FFA meeting is Wednesday, November 20th with committee meetings at 6:30 and the chapter meeting at 7. Bring a dish to share for our FFA Thanksgiving meal and get ready for our annual Turkey Bowling! 


Congratulations to the FFA Ag Sales team for placing 8th overall in the District. Team members included Abby Bolen, Jaton Shaffer, Morgan Drozs, and Kaleb Southern. Abby was 5th overall individually and Morgan was 8th overall individually.


The Jostens rep will be here to deliver your class jewelry on FRIDAY, December 6th before school.

You may bring cash or check that day or pay online prior to delivery day using the postcard and emailed invoice. Students on the JPAY Payment Plan in good standing will receive their ring!

Any student may place an order for a class ring that day, or use this day as a service day to get your class ring repaired or resized. Please contact Jostens with any questions.


After school detentions this week are with Mr. Seneca.  Lunch detentions TODAY are with Mrs. Whitehouse.


Today’s lunch menu is: Chicken Nuggets or McRib Sandwich


Thank you and have a great day!